Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Doctors have no sympathy

Well, I headed in to my doctors appointment this morning thinking that they would for sure induce me or do something to speed things up....I should not have set myself up like that. After informing me that I am still only dialated to 2cm my doctor said that the best she can do is set up an appoinment to induce me next Thursday. I pray that this little baby will decide to come before then, but it seems to be pretty content where it is at. We already have a disobedient child (haha). I guess the positive side is that at least there is a for sure date which means the end is in sight! So if anyone is not busy in the next week, I will be either outside or at the mall walking/waddling as fast as I can to try to get this baby moving! Feel free to join me if you are wanting a little exercise!!

1 comment:

  1. Oy Vey, I can sympathize! I can't remember how far over you are but anyone who goes early will never understand how unbearable each day is past your due date! Its torture.
