Sunday, July 11, 2010

It's a boy!!

This is our newest little Baby Boy DeBoef!
(I know this picture isn't very clear, but it's the best I could do for now.)
A lot of people have asked me if I was disappointed to find out we were going to have another boy and my answer is not at all!! I honestly went into our ultrasound appointment without a care at all as to the gender of our baby. I really was just praying that it would be healthy! I was so excited when the technician pointed to his little boy parts and said "can you tell what you're looking at?" My first thought was- "Yay a little buddy for Kallen to wrestle around with!"- then I started thinking about how much money this would save us! With Kallen being born in April, we will be dealing with opposite seasons, but for the first few months all we should need to buy is diapers!! I just love the thought of two little boys running around, catching frogs, and playing in the mud. I grew up in a house full of girls so this little boy thing is new to me, but I am quickly learning that if you are going to raise little boys you just have to relax a little and know that things are going to get messy. :P (That doesn't mean that I can't at least try to teach him to stay clean though.)
I am soo grateful that God has blessed me with two healthy boys and it is not something I take for granted!


  1. I think that's one of the best ultrasound shots I've ever seen! Very clear! So happy for you guys. See you next week!

  2. He looks like Kallen! Haha! :-)
