Monday, June 22, 2009

diapers, laundry, and the list goes on

I find my self often wondering when my pre-pregnancy brain will return. I am starting to think it is gone forever. Now in order to remember everything I need to get done- I have to lay it all on my bed, then one by one I check things off the list. Here is an example:

Planner- call some of my clients, Bowl- eat breakfast, blanket-do the laundry, bills- who wants to remember those?, bottle of water- so I remember to drink sometime that day, Laptop- return some e-mails, Baby- probably should remember to take care of Kallen

I also am finding it amazing how excited we can get over a dirty diaper. Kallen had not had a dirty diaper in over 4 days and I was getting a little concerned so I called his doctor who gave us some things to try and told us to give it one more day and then bring him in. You can imagine my excitement when he had a huge blow-out a few minutes ago...haha. We immediately texted Daddy to let him know. The picture above is Kallen's face after I changed his diaper.
Wow, life has really changed!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I remember those days! I think Bennett went almost 7 days once.
