Wednesday, September 9, 2009

5 months!

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Our little boy is 5 months old already! I can't believe it. This month has been a month of milestones so far...Kallen decided to skip rolling over and go right in to sitting up, he will roll from tummy to back but never back to tummy, he just decided that he likes his cereal, he is working on his first tooth, he had his first plane ride and visit to the ocean (he did not like the ocean very much), he puts himself to sleep, and he is making lots of new sounds!! This is such a fun age (other than the teething)! I am guessing that by 6 months he may be crawling- when he is on his tummy, he has been getting up on his knees but hasn't figured out how to coordinate that with his hands- we'll see what happens. I am totally NOT ready for him to be mobile yet.

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