Monday, March 14, 2011

Lincoln Update

I never did find the time to do a Lincoln update last week:
He really does have that smile on his face all the time! Lincoln is the happiest little baby!!!
Here are his stats:
Weight: 16lbs 3 oz (77%)
Height: 25 1/2 inches (73%)
Head Circ: 16 1/2 (42%)
So... big body little head. :)
Diapers: Size 3
Kallen is in size 4
Clothes: 6-9 months, mostly 9 months
He has recently discovered his voice, and spends most of his day lying around squealing and experimenting with new sounds. (I love it!!) Remember when I told you he is a super laid-back baby?....Not so much anymore. He is beginning to act exactly like his big brother did at that age- constantly needing a change of scenery (so I just rotate him around between his swing, activity gym, bouncy seat, and the floor), never wanting to sit and always feeling the need to stand, will Never lay his head down while being held- he feels the need to look around (he might miss something you know), and he fights going to sleep with all his might.
He is definately 100% boy in that the rougher you play with him- the better! He gets alot of comments from strangers like "that boy is going to be a line backer" and "wow you could put him in a pink dress and he'd still look like a boy!".
He is waayyy to much of a momma's boy. My biggest struggle lately is that anytime I am gone, he seems to be fussy for whoever is watching him. He takes a bottle just fine for me but struggles to take them from other people. I am determined to get him over this one, because I do NOT want a baby that I cannot leave for a little bit. (this momma needs her freedom!)
Here he is practicing his favorite thing to do right now:
He has really started to watch Kallen closely and take in everything he is doing. Sometimes I can almost see the look of determination in his eyes telling himself "I think I can do that!".
If I could predict what our future holds, right now I would say Kallen= instigator Lincoln= follower that will probably take it to the next level.

And that is Lincoln in a nutshell! I just love my little butterball!!

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