Between construction workers needing in our house and Kallen waking up sick on Wednesday morning, I have been stuck in this house all week and I am about to go crazy!!
I love our house but I was not made to stay inside this much!
(ok, it's not really even that bad I worked on Monday from 5-8 and Wednesday from 3-6, had a photo session Tuesday night, and we did leave for a quick dr.'s appt on Wed. morning so it's not like I haven't left the house in days)
It has really made me think about those people who are not able to leave the house. I can't imagine what their lives must be like.
On a positive note- I have had lots of one-on-one time with my little boy! We have been reading books galore and working on our abc's.
(ok it's more just me trying to read Kallen a book and Kallen throwing abc magnets across the kitchen floor but hey- at least I'm trying!)
And slowly, but surely they are making progress on our house!
I am guessing this means we will be getting walls soon!
And this is a doorway cut into our basement wall.
(try getting your child to take a nap while that is happening)