Friday, October 15, 2010

A day on the farm

There are several things I love about fall! But this is what I love most:
Harvest season! It's probably because I grew up on the farm, but I just LOVE seeing all of those combines in the fields. That is one of the things I miss the most about living in the country- you just don't see any combines around here.
Today Kallen and I drove down to my parents to ride in Grandpa's combine and see my sister Karlee who is back in town for the week.

Kallen LOVED riding in the combine with grandpa! He just sat perfectly still on his lap the entire time- it was like he was an entirely different kid.

We spent most of the day hanging out with Grandma and Aunt Karlee! I didn't get a picture of Kallen with Grandma Tammy but here he is with my youngest sister Karlee!

Karlee is in a program called Fusion which is in Kansas City so we went ahead and celebrated her October birthday while she was up here. We are so blessed to have both sets of our grandparents living close by, so they all came over to my Mom's for a delicious supper!!
Kallen's Great Grandpa Dave even got down on the floor to play with him.

Quite a pile of boys huh!? :P
Once Uncle Jacob got home from school, Kallen was his little shadow. He just followed Jake around and literally did everything that Jacob did.

It had been a while since we had made it down to the farm and boy were we needing it!! Sometimes you just have to get out of the city! I loved growing up on the farm and I plan on taking my boys down there as much as possible!!

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