Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Cereal....not so much

At our last appointment, Kallen's doctor told us we could try to start cereal anytime now. I really like her philosophy on cereal:
Cereal has absolutely no nutritional value, it is just extra calories, so the main purpose of it is to prepare the baby for baby food by getting them used to eating from a spoon and sitting in a highchair. So she recommends that you start by spoon feeding your baby cereal each night at the supper table. You will know your baby is ready when you give them the cereal and they swallow it, if they spit it back out wait another week and try again. I guess I have just never had it explained to me this way...I always heard of people putting it in their bottles and I was never sure what the purpose of it was. This makes a lot of sense to me!! I guess it is pretty obvious that I am totally a first time mom and am just learning as we go. :)

Obviously Kallen is not quite ready for cereal yet, but the expression on his face made it totally worth the try! :P We'll try again in a couple weeks. :)

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