Wednesday, March 3, 2010

11 Months

This ornery little boy is 11 months today! I can't believe it! Here are some of the things Kallen is doing now:

- As of last week he only weighed 18 lbs (someday I will get this child fattened up)
- Eats almost anything that we eat (as long as he can chew it)
- Will not eat Avocado (it's the only thing he won't eat...wierdo :P )
- Climbs up and DOWN the stairs
- Claps when we say "Yay!!"
- Just got his 2 top teeth so we now have 4 (all of them are crooked :( )
- Will probably start walking any day now!
- In the last month has moved his bed time up to 7 but will still sleep until 7am
- Says "ma"(more), "ba ba"(bottle), "na na"(banana), "ba ba"(also can mean bye bye), and a bunch of jibberish
- Still LOVES his pacifier (I am planning on taking it away at 1)
- LOVES to destroy things (seriously anything he can get his hands on)
- Responds very well to "no no" (most of the time)
- And will randomly wave when he wants to (like all through Target the other day, but not to his daddy when he left for work....whatever)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, its been fun keeping up with him (and you guys) on here. I can't believe he's only 18lbs! Kelly is 5 months and was 18 lbs, 15.5oz as of monday. She's tall and chunky though.
