Monday, December 6, 2010

It's chaos around here!

Sorry- this is another post without a picture but I just thought I'd give you a glimpse into my life.These are the events that have already happened today and it is only 11:00am.
  • I could not find my phone charger and my phone was going to die any minute so I ran upstairs with Kallen to look. He quickly tore apart our entire room while I was searching through our suitcase (we were gone over the weekend) looking for it. I turned around and could not believe (ok actually with this child I can but he never ceases to amaze me) what I saw. Clothes strung everywhere, magazines/books all over the place, a huge smile on his face. Ok, I'll clean this up during his nap.
  • I still hadn't found my charger and I had a feeling it was in the car so I began to weigh my options. Lincoln was safely sleeping in his pack-n-play, I would just run out to the car real quick, what's the worse that can happen? I had a little talk with Kallen, then ran out to the car and began searching as fast as I could....found it! As I reached the front door I had a moment of panic as I realized it was locked! then I remembered our garage door is currently broken so I slid it open and hurried inside. I walked into our kitchen to see my towel drawer (luckily the bottom drawer) completely emptied out, with Kallen standing inside it, holding the bag of cheetos that was sitting on the counter, happily chomping away. At least he hadn't dumped them!.....oops shouldn't have thought that- just as I reached Kallen he turned the bag upside down. :(
  • With my phone charging, lunch warming up, and naptime just a few moments away Lincoln woke up completely soaked (time for bigger diapers). Kallen has been such a sweet brother today that I decided to change Lincoln on the floor so Kallen could "help" me. He was sitting by Lincoln's head giving him a hug when I slid Lincoln's diaper off and then it happened.....Licoln felt that fresh air and just couldn't help himself- he started peeing- and of course it shot straight up into Kallen's face. Kallen gave me a shocked look at first, then I watched it turn to anger but I was too slow to react- he spit on Lincoln, then (I hope accidentally) kicked his head as he was getting up. Now I had 2 screaming boys. :S
  • At the moment their bellies are both full, they are both down for naps, and I just had to sit down for a moment before I start doing damage control on my house.

And this is why- if you ever just stop by my house- I am usually not showered and my house is not clean. :)


  1. Thanks for sharing....our house is crazy as well! I can completely relate to this. Although my kids never climbed in to kitchen Take lots of pictures of these things because you will want to remember then. They will be more funny later in life and you can post them at his graduation : ) Love you friend and hang in there!

  2. :) I can bring Henry over to roll down the stairs if you need a little more excitement in your life!

  3. This made me laugh out loud! Girl, you have got your hands full :) You're a rock star!
